Tamiya 95360 - DCR-01 Light Smoke Body Set  [95360]

Tamiya 95360 - DCR-01 Light Smoke Body Set
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alt="Tamiya 95360 - DCR-01 Light Smoke Body Set" title="Tamiya 95360 - DCR-01 Light Smoke Body Set"
alt="Tamiya 95360 - DCR-01 Light Smoke Body Set" title="Tamiya 95360 - DCR-01 Light Smoke Body Set"
This may be a color variation the parts of the body the revolutionary DCR-01 Mini 4WD race device. This 3-part human body features a unique unique sticker coloration and you will certainly be used due to the fact is, or in conjunction with present Gun steel (product 95312) and Pearl Red (inside kit, Item 18646) elements for a unique appearance.
  • The futuristic 3-piece human anatomy is molded in Light Smoke (tinted) ABS.
  • Dedicated stickers are included.
  • Compatible with MA framework cars.

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