Hobby Boss 83201 1/32 IL-2 Ground attack aircraft  [HB-83201]

Hobby Boss 83201 1/32 IL-2 Ground attack aircraft
Hobby Boss
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The Ilyushin IL-2 Sturmovik ended up being a Soviet Union attak aircraft within the WWII. Designed as a armored low-level close-support aircraft proficient at beating enemy armor as well as other ground objectives. First travelled on 12 October 1940 as model TsKB-57, The aircraft joined up with production in March 1941,and come right into solution in-may. a standard of 36,163 have been built. The Sturmovik played an important role on Eastern Front, famous nicknames because the "Black Death" .
IL-2 Single-seat variation,the extremely very early production, taken up to fight devices in May-June 1941, operating on AM-38 motor, equipped 20 mm ShVAK or 23 mm VYa cannon in primary wing.

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