Tamiya 87199 - Panel Line Accent Color (Dark Gray) 40ml  [87199]

Tamiya 87199 - Panel Line Accent Color (Dark Gray) 40ml
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Tamiya Panel Line enamel paints are ideal for highlighting panel lines and also other details available your model a far more practical level. The paint is actually pre-diluted in to the perfect viscosity and might be effectively used into crevasses particularly panel lines utilising the brush on container limit. As soon as dried out, any additional might washed up by making use of enamel slimmer. (Bottle contains 40ml)

forms of usage:
Ebony is a general-purpose color and you'll be precisely useful for nearly every type of model. Brown is wonderful for military models plus showcasing information on bright colors such as for instance Yellow or Orange. Gray is ideal for White or Light Gray components where Ebony might be too distinct.

plastic elements could become brittle when working with Tamiya Panel Line accent colors. Steer clear of on movable parts and be careful whenever selecting load-bearing areas. Apply over base layer of lacquer or acrylic paint. Accent colors paints may damage underlying base layer. Test before deploying it on the model. Take care when working with on flat base layer colors as Accent colors paints may permeate faster.

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