Tamiya 32535 - 1/48 Russian KV-1 Heavy Tank  [32535]

Tamiya 32535 - 1/48 Russian KV-1 Heavy Tank
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The maximum, most greatly armored tank of its time whenever introduced, the KV-1 hefty tank played a significant part inside the protection of Russia in WWII. This set up kit illustrates a 1940 model type, nothing you've seen prior modeled in 1/35 scale consequently a 1/48 MM Series original. Model accurately reproduces the KV-1?s 76.2mm main weapon and square-shaped welded turret. Utilize with Russian Infantry and Tank Crew Set to show Soviet forces traveling, or set against arch-rival, the German Tiger We.


Towards Russian KV-1 whenever first introduced in belated 1930's, the KVI have already been unquestionably really effective tanks in globe, and an overall total key. It absolutely was designed to be totally "bulletproof", and was in fact shot proof against 37 or 50mm Anti-Tank tools alongside it's thick 100mm armor. This hefty tank, weighing around 45 tons with group of five, was at reality armed with 76.2mm primary weapon and two MGs. The armament finished up being considered hefty for 1940, but by 1943 the biggest thing device lacked punching power against new Panthers and Tigers. Although manufacturing the KV-1 show ended in July 1941, the tank were active through the entire conflict, as well as the basic guidelines was at fact down the road within contemporary tanks pertaining to Soviet Union along with other countries.



Regarding the model
  • step by step 1/48 installation model kit from the Russian KV-1 Heavy Tank.
  • General size 141mm. Includes diecast framework for fats and realism.
  • The initial and effective types of this tank wound up being accurately replicated.
  • Construction sort tracks comes with right components created from single pieces.
  • Includes 3 sets of markings (ready).
  • Suitable For usage with Item 32521 1/48 WWII Russian Infantry and Tank Crew Set.


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