Tamiya 35149 - 1/35 Russian T-34/76 ChTZ 1943 WWII  [35149]

Tamiya 35149 - 1/35 Russian T-34/76 ChTZ 1943 WWII
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With regards to the Russian T34/76 ChTZ

Through very early number of another World War, the Wehrmacht invasion into industrialized Russia threatened the strategy of having critical war materials and production plants. Russia's National Defense Committee determined to go tank manufacturing and associated factories. The location became called "Tankograd" (Tank City) a nickname acquired by using this web page situated deeply to the Urals. The Russians, with an urgent requirement to bolster their tank power, made efforts to simplify tank manufacturing techniques. This triggered numerous versions of T34 tank, that differed somewhat from both. The most distinctive variants was at fact produced on Chelyabinsk Tractor Functions, "ChTZ" in Tankograd in 1943. This model utilized just one piece cast turret with pronounced rounding on sides the turret roof and a strange plunge on the reduced part regarding the turret. This improved turret, had additional periscope and pistol ports, and supplied more area and convenience the team. A fresh five-speed transmission with modified clutch had been added, replacing four-speed model. Along with motor improvements, these alterations stretched adequate time passed between upkeep and fix. With a few "ChTZ" variations produced, about the large number of T34/76 tanks produced, it's regarded nearly as a rarity.

Specs and Features

  • An accurate reproduction in regards to the T34/76 produced within Chelyabinsk
  • Tractor Functions, "ChTZ" in Tankograd in 1943.
  • Exquisite hull information with access hatches that would be fixedin the available or shut state.
  • Realistically reproduced cast turret with curved edges and hatches that could be modeled in the great outdoors or shut position.
  • Movable primary gun.
  • Exemplary detailing of songs and tires.
  • 2 numbers with well-appointed details.
  • Detailed suspension system.
  • Authentic waterslide decals.
  • Illustrated put up guide.

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