Tamiya 35059 - 1/35 Soviet T-34/76 1943 Tank  [35059]

Tamiya 35059 - 1/35 Soviet T-34/76 1943 Tank
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With regards to the Russian T34/76 1943 Tank

In "Operation Citadel", the final huge-scale "T-34/76 Tank 1943 Model" after the 12 months 1943 staged severe tank-to-tank combat against new and effective German tanks for instance the "Panther" and "Tiger". Inside Prokhorovka area, T-34 tanks of 1943 model towards the 181st Guard Tank Brigade in Russian Fifth Tank Army struggled Tiger tanks of picked German SS Tank Divisions "Adolf Hitler" and "Das Reich", which finished up being the largest-scale tank-to-tank combat ever staged through WWII. When T-34 tank of 1942 model might called "Stalingrad", the beautiful 1943 model well reported the title of "Kursk".

Specs & Features

  • Detail by detail synthetic components molded in dark green and attached with sprues.
  • Includes three practical numbers - a commander, a loader, and adriver.
  • Kit could possibly be assembled in extremely early or belated model versions; variations to tank (for example, a variation for a certain extent) can be made.
  • Kit contains two types of road tires which is often changed when restoring accessory components.
  • Specific components, as an example the driver's hatch, is fixed in an available or shut spot.
  • Two types of turret top meals, centered on plumped for model version.
  • Add-ons to tank consist of a shovel, a storage room package, cable, logs, a horn, a guitar situation, and a blanket.
  • Pliable synthetic tracks for sturdy movement on frozen, slippery ground.
  • Waterslide decals.
  • Includes detailed and informative pictorial recommendations.

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